The Tools I Use

    I thought I should include a page that contains information about the tools I use to create and maintain this site. They are handy to have so I thought I would cover them.

   Operating Systems

    I like to be able to do the same things with different operating systems. I do like Linux, but I also like Windows. At the moment I'm using Windows 8.1, Ubuntu Studio, and Chromixium. I have a wealth of applications at my hands, and enjoy the diversity of software I have. I can't say I have a favorite OS, as they all serve my purposes equally. I am waiting for Windows 10 and would also like to see ArtistX revived.

   Code Editors

    I can make a web page with Notepad or even Pico, but I like to make my coding easier. Right now I'm using HTML-Kit, BlueFish, and recently Microsoft WebMatrix. I would say my favorite is HTML-Kit, but that is because I have used it the longest. All three of these apllications have similar feartures like syntax highlighting and auto-completion. WebMatrix is more complex and is really geared towards web applications not just static web pages. Any of these editors makes things easier.


    There are a few utilities that I use for this site. There aren't any programs included with Windows that can be used with sftp and ssh. I use Filezilla for sftp and Putty for ssh. I even use Filezilla with Linux just because it is so easy and intuitive. Although it is more of an online resource I use the WC3 validation services for HTML and CSS. guess I should also mention BASH, because it is my shell of choice and I use it for many of my administrative tasks.